Mon. – Fri.
8:00 – 21:00
8:00 – 14:00

Radiology is the branch of medicine concerned with performing examinations that aim to visualise the human body. At our medical centre, the doctors of radiology perform ultrasound, which is a non-invasive and painless examination.
It allows rapid detection of disease, analysis of the development of the condition and more accurate localisation of the injury. It is now an essential form of diagnosis and is used at every stage of a patient’s treatment. The most common tests can be performed in packages.
We also perform an in-depth assessment of detected nodules. This service can be found under the name elastography or ultrasound MAX.
- Thyroid ultrasound
- Abdominal ultrasound
- Lung ultrasound
- Infant cerebral ultrasound (transorbital)
- Ultrasound of the spinal canal in infants
- Prostate ultrasound
- Testicular ultrasound
- Urinary tract ultrasound
- Salivary gland ultrasound
- Joint ultrasound
- Doppler ultrasound of the arteries of the upper limbs
- Doppler ultrasound of the lower limb arteries
- Doppler ultrasound of the carotid and vertebral arteries
- Soft tissue ultrasound
- Pyloric ultrasound












Price list
Adult ultrasound adult examinations
Breast USG
lek. Filip Berezowski, lek. Anna Czyżowska, lek. Bożena Kaniak, lek. Jolanta Fornalnczyk-Krizar, lek. Agata Gogola, lek. Katarzyna Klimczak, lek. Barbara Lewandowska, lek. Hanna Marszalska-Jacak, lek. Patryk Pozowski, lek. Paula Smok, lek. Beata Szczepińska, lek. Krzysztof Tyc
250 PLN
Breast ultrasound
lek. Alicja Uszko
310 PLN
Radiological consultation including breast ultrasound
lek. Hanna Marszalska-Jacak; discussion of medical records, treatment plan and performance of breast ultrasound
260 PLN
Radiological consultation including breast ultrasound
lek. Alicja Uszko; discussion of medical records, treatment plan and performance of breast ultrasound
310 PLN
Thyroid ultrasound
lek. Dorota Benetkiewicz, lek. Anna Czyżowska, lek. Agata Gogola, lek. Bożena Kaniak, lek. Katarzyna Klimczak, lek. Barbara Lewandowska, lek. Hanna Marszalska-Jacak, dr n. med. Mateusz Patyk, lek. Patryk Pozowski, lek. Paula Smok, lek. Krzysztof Tyc
250 PLN
Abdomen ultrasound without evaluation of reflux and hernia
lek. Anna Czyżowska, lek. Agata Gogola, lek. Bożena Kaniak, lek. Katarzyna Klimczak, lek. Barbara Lewandowska, lek. Hanna Marszalska-Jacak, dr n. med. Mateusz Patyk, lek. Patryk Pozowski, lek. Paula Smok, lek. Krzysztof Tyc
250 PLN
Prostate ultrasound
lek. Dorota Benetkiewicz, lek. Agata Gogola, lek. Katarzyna Klimczak, lek. Barbara Lewandowska, lek. Hanna Marszalska-Jacak, dr n. med. Mateusz Patyk, lek. Patryk Pozowski
250 PLN
Testicular ultrasound
lek. Agata Gogola, lek. Katarzyna Klimczak, lek. Barbara Lewandowska, dr n. med. Mateusz Patyk, lek. Patryk Pozowski, lek. Paula Smok, lek. Krzysztof Tyc
250 PLN
Urinary tract ultrasound
lek. Dorota Benetkiewicz, lek. Katarzyna Klimczak, lek. Barbara Lewandowska, lek. Hanna Marszalska-Jacak, dr n. med. Mateusz Patyk, lek. Patryk Pozowski, lek. Paula Smok, lek. Krzysztof Tyc
250 PLN
Salivary gland ultrasound
lek. Dorota Benetkiewicz, lek. Barbara Lewandowska, lek. Hanna Marszalska-Jacak, lek. Bożena Kaniak, dr n. med. Mateusz Patyk, lek. Patryk Pozowski, lek. Krzysztof Tyc
250 PLN
Joint ultrasound
lek. Patryk Pozowski
250 PLN
Soft tissue ultrasound (lipomas, fibromas, haematomas)
lek. Dorota Benetkiewicz, lek. Agata Gogola, lek. Katarzyna Klimczak, lek. Barbara Lewandowska, dr n. med. Mateusz Patyk, lek. Patryk Pozowski, lek. Paula Smok
250 PLN
Ultrasound of lymph nodes
lek. Agata Gogola, ek. Dorota Benetkiewicz, lek. Agata Gogola, lek. Katarzyna Klimczak, lek. Barbara Lewandowska, dr n. med. Mateusz Patyk, lek. Paula Smok, lek. Krzysztof Tyc
250 PLN
Muscle ultrasound
lek. Patryk Pozowski
250 PLN
Achilles tendon ultrasound
ek. Patryk Pozowski
250 PLN
Doppler ultrasound of the arteries of the upper limbs
lek. Dorota Benetkiewicz
300 PLN
Doppler ultrasound of the lower limb arteries
lek. Dorota Benetkiewicz
300 PLN
Doppler ultrasound of the carotid and vertebral arteries
llek. Dorota Benetkiewicz
300 PLN
Children’s ultrasound examinations
Hip ultrasound in infants
dr n. med. Piotr Miśkiewicz, lek. Magdalena Tarkowska, lek. Dominik Orzechowski, lek. Katarzyna Płocieniak
300 PLN
Trans-temporal/brain ultrasound
dr n. med. Mateusz Patyk
300 PLN
Transpinal/cerebral ultrasound with assessment of cranial sutures
dr n. med. Mateusz Patyk
300 PLN
Ultrasound of the spinal canal in infants
dr n. med. Mateusz Patyk
250 PLN
Breast ultrasound for girls
lek. Anna Czyżowska, lek. Jolanta Fornalczyk-Krizar, lek. Agata Gogola, lek. Barbara Lewandowska (From 5 years of age.), lek. Alicja Uszko
250 PLN
Abdominal ultrasound of children
lek. Agata Gogola, lek. Katarzyna Klimczak, lek. Barbara Lewandowska (from 5 years of age), dr n. med. Mateusz Patyk, lek. Patryk Pozowski, lek. Paula Smok
250 PLN
Abdominal ultrasound of children with evaluation of reflux
lek. Patryk Pozowski
300 PLN
Thyroid ultrasound of children
lek. Agata Gogola, lek. Katarzyna Klimczak, lek. Barbara Lewandowska (from 5 years of age), dr n. med. Mateusz Patyk, lek. Patryk Pozowski
250 PLN
Ultrasound of soft tissues of children
lek. Katarzyna Klimczak, lek. Barbara Lewandowska (from 5 years of age), dr n. med. Mateusz Patyk, lek. Patryk Pozowski
250 PLN
Urinary tract ultrasound of children
lek. Katarzyna Klimczak, lek. Barbara Lewandowska (from 5 years of age), dr n. med. Mateusz Patyk, lek. Patryk Pozowski
250 PLN
Ultrasound of lymph nodes
lek. Katarzyna Klimczak, lek. Barbara Lewandowska (from 5 years of age), dr n. med. Mateusz Patyk
250 PLN
Joint ultrasound of children
lek. Patryk Pozowski
250 PLN
Lung ultrasound of children
dr n. med. Mateusz Patyk
250 PLN
Elastography / ultrasound max
MAX breast ultrasound
lek. Filip Berezowskin-depth evaluation of thyroid nodules, ShearWave elastography
300 PLN
Abdominal ultrasound + liver elastography
dr n. med. Mateusz Patyk
350 PLN
Liver elastography
dr n. med. Mateusz Patyk
300 PLN
Elymph node elastography
dr n. med. Mateusz Patyk
300 PLN
Ultrasound packages
Neonatal ultrasound package
dr n. med. Mateusz Patyk
mediastinum, abdominal cavity, brain, testes/ovaries
600 PLN
Baby girl ultrasound package
thyroid gland, abdominal cavity, ovaries
600 PLN
Baby boy ultrasound package
lek. Barbara Lewandowska, dr n. med. Mateusz Patyk
thyroid gland, abdominal cavity, testes
600 PLN
Women’s ultrasound package
lek. Katarzyna Klimczak, lek. Barbara Lewandowska, dr n. med. Mateusz Patyk
thyroid, abdominal, breasts
600 PLN
Men’s ultrasound package
lek. Katarzyna Klimczak, lek. Barbara Lewandowska, dr n. med. Mateusz Patyk
thyroid, abdomen, prostate, testes
600 PLN
Examinations and appointments performed on Sunday
surcharge 100 PLN
What tests can be performed by a radiologist?
What if the radiologist detects changes in the ultrasound image?
Ginemedica has a staff of specialists from a wide variety of specialties. Our radiologists work together with urologists, gynaecologists and endocrinologists, who together take care of the correct diagnosis and treatment of each patient.