dr n. med. Mateusz Patyk | Radiologist
The doctor provides treatment in the following languages: English Polish

Dostępne formy wizyt: stationary

Specialisation: Specialist in radiology and diagnostic imaging.
Experience: Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the Medical University of Piastów Śląskich in Wrocław. In 2022. obtained the title of doctor of medical sciences in the field of radiology and diagnostic imaging. Actively cooperates with doctors from children’s wards of the University Clinical Hospital in Wrocław supporting in the care of young patients. He performs medical duty in the field of paediatric radiology.
Treatment: In his professional work, he performs numerous ultrasound examinations of infants, children and adults, and describes X-ray, CT and MR examinations.Main area of interest: He focuses his scientific and professional interests on paediatric radiology, pulmonary diseases and gastrointestinal diseases.
Training and scientific works
Training and academic work: In recent years, he has been directing great emphasis and commitment to the diagnosis of childhood diseases. He improves his competence in diagnostic imaging by attending courses and professional conferences.
Other: During his studies, he twice received awards from the Minister of Science and Higher Education for scientific achievements in medical sciences. He was also the recipient of a Diamond Grant award, thanks to which, between 2014 and 2018, I was the manager of a research project entitled. “Usefulness of Virtual Computed Tomography Bronchoscopy in the assessment of airways in patients with bronchial asthma.”