Mon. – Fri.
8:00 – 21:00
8:00 – 14:00

In the interest of mothers-to-be, gynaecology and obstetrics specialists perform non-invasive prenatal ultrasound examinations of the first, second and third trimesters. In order to provide our patients with continuous monitoring of their baby’s development, we offer consultations on prenatal fetal diagnosis.
Our doctors work with certified imaging equipment, which allows high-resolution 3D images to be taken.
- First trimester ultrasound between the 11th and 13th week of pregnancy
- Second trimester (mid-term) ultrasound between the 18th and 22nd week of pregnancy
- Third trimester ultrasound between the 28th and 32nd week of pregnancy
- biochemical tests of the mother’s blood – PAPP-A and B-HCG proteins
- amniocentesis
- chorionic villus sampling
- genetic testing of fetal DNA
Prenatal screening programme NFZ
The Ginemedica Medical Center has a contract with the National Health Fund for the implementation of the Prenatal Testing Program.
To use the services, you must have a referral issued by your pregnancy doctor, containing information about the advancement of your pregnancy in weeks. Reimbursed tests include:
- biochemical tests of the mother’s blood – PAPP-A and B-HCG proteins
- First trimester ultrasound between the 11th and 13th week of pregnancy
- Second trimester (mid-term) ultrasound between the 18th and 22nd week of pregnancy
In contrast, a referral with information on indications for inclusion in the programme, together with a description of the abnormality and accompanied by test results confirming the validity of the referral, entitles the individual to perform:
- amniocentesis
- chorionic villi biopsy
We invite all pregnant women of all ages to take advantage of the Prenatal Screening Programme.
We invite all pregnant women, regardless of age, to take advantage of the Prenatal Testing Program.
The tests are carried out at Krawiecka 1/2 Street. To arrange an appointment, please call 530 929 758 or 71 727 62 03.

Gynecologist, obstetrician, Perinatologist, Prenatal cardiologist

Gynecologist, obstetrician

Gynecologist, obstetrician

Gynecologist, obstetrician

Gynecologist, obstetrician

Gynecologist, obstetrician, Pediatric gynecologist

Gynecologist, obstetrician

Gynecologist, obstetrician

Gynecologist, obstetrician, Sexologist

Price list
Prenatal ultrasound
Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF) integrated first trimester test including first trimester ultrasound and PAPPA and bHCG testing
blood test should be performed 4-5 days before the first trimester ultrasound.
650 PLN
First trimester integrated test according to FMF (Fetal Medicine Foundation)
for patients who do not have a pregnancy at Ginemedica.
700 PLN
PAPPA+bHCG blood test
on either the Kryptor or Delfia device; to be performed 4-5 days before the first trimester ultrasound.
250 PLN
Prenatal ultrasound I / II / III trimester
400 PLN
Prenatal ultrasound I / II / III trimester
dr n. med. Karol Bielasik
460 PLN
Prenatal ultrasound I / II / III trimester for patients not carrying a pregnancy in Ginemedica or having a multiple pregnancy
450 PLN
Prenatal ultrasound I / II / III trimester for patients not carrying a pregnancy in Ginemedica
dr Karol Bielasik
490 PLN
USG prenatalne I / II / III trimester for patients not having a pregnancy at Ginemedica – twin pregnancy
dr Karol Bielasik
550 PLN
Fetal heart ultrasound
Fetal heart echo
dr n. med. Elżbieta Kukawczyńska
400 PLN
Fetal heart echo – twin pregnancy
dr n. med. Elżbieta Kukawczyńska
450 PLN
Fetal heart echo
dr. med. Patrycja Nowak-Florek
450 PLN
Fetal heart echo – twin pregnancy
dr. med. Patrycja Nowak-Florek
650 PLN
Fetal heart echo
dr n. med. Karol Bielasik
460 PLN
Fetal heart echo – twin pregnancy
dr n. med. Karol Bielasik
700 PLN
Fetal heart echo for pregnancy patients outside Ginemedica
dr n. med. Karol Bielasik
550 PLN
Fetal heart echo for patients with pregnancies outside Ginemedica-twin pregnancy
dr n. med. Karol Bielasik
700 PLN
Genetic research
1200 PLN
Test NIFTY-pro, Panorama, Veracity, Veragene, Harmony, Nace