Postać przedstawiająca lekarza Innę Shevczenko.


Specialisation: Specialist obstetrician-gynaecologist.

Experience: Graduated from Ukrainian Medical Academy of Dentistry – Faculty of Medicine (Ukraine 2005-2011r). She did her internship at Shupyk National University of Health Care of Ukraine from 2011-2014. She also graduated from the National University of Ukraine in Uzhhorod in 2019. (Certificate No. 003098 Title: Doctor-specialist in ultrasound diagnostics) and the Department of Health of the Cherkassy Regional State Administration of Ukraine in 2019 (Certificate №130, Specialisation obstetrics and gynaecology – Doctor category – first).She gained experience as an obstetrician-gynaecologist and ultrasound diagnostician at the Cherkassy City Maternity Hospital “Mother and Child Centre” in Ukraine from 2014 to 2023.


Treatment: Professional skills:

  • Management of physiological and complicated pregnancies;
  • Ultrasound in pregnancy;
  • Ultrasonography in gynaecology;
  • Gynaecological examination and diagnosis, contraception;
  • Treatment of endocrine disruption;
  • Treatment and diagnosis of the causes of infertility;
  • Checking the patency of the fallopian tubes;
  • Menopause issues;
  • Consultation and treatment of breast diseases;
  • Examination of the mammary glands, ultrasound of the mammary glands;

Outpatient procedures: Cervical examination, colposcopy, biopsy and treatment of cervical dysplasia, laser therapy of cervical lesions, electrocautery of cervical lesions, treatment of cervical erosions;Aspiration biopsy of the endometrium;Removal of endometrial polyps;Uterine cavity bifurcation;Other minimally invasive surgeries.

Training and scientific works

Training and academic work: Annual attendance at professional training and courses, including:FMF Certificate ID 251608 No. 2021.Certificate of participation ’11-13 week study’ Cyprus Nikolaides 21 June 2021.Conference “Prenatal ultrasound of critical fetal heart defects” Dnipro, 2022.

Other: I love helping people, which is my life’s mission, so I approach my work with a smile on my face. I strive to constantly develop and improve myself in various fields of gynaecology, obstetrics and ultrasound diagnostics. Outside of work, I love travelling, learning foreign languages and cycling. I am a mum and wife, and I consider health the most precious thing in life!