Autism diagnosis

Ikona diagnostyki spektrum autyzmu - biały zarys puzzla w środku którego znajduje się zarys serca. To wszystko na jasnoniebieskim tle.

At Ginemedica Medical Centre, we attach great importance to the diagnosis and psychological care of both adults and children and adolescents. After consulting with educationalists and school psychologists, we have welcomed to our team specialists in the diagnosis of developmental disorders of children and adolescents, including autism. This disorder often manifests itself in childhood, but adults also undertake diagnosis.

The diagnosis of autism is based on the use of the ADOS-2 test. It is a diagnostic test to assess a patient’s symptoms of autism. The ADOS-2 observation is used as part of the diagnosis process worldwide and is considered the gold standard in the field. The observation can be performed periodically to monitor the child’s progress. Typically, the diagnostic cycle requires 3-4 meetings with a specialist.


ADOS-2 diagnostician, Pedagogue, Social skills trainer
Treatment: autism spectrum in adults, autism spectrum in children, childhood aggression, educational problems, school difficulties
ADOS-2 special educator, Psychologist
Treatment: ADOS-2, autism spectrum in adults, autism spectrum in children
Postać przedstawiająca magister Martę Kozaryn
ADHD diagnostician, ADOS-2 diagnostician, Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Speech therapist
Approach: systemic
Treatment: ADHD in adults, ADHD in children, ADOS-2, autism spectrum in children, developmental disorders, DIVA-5, emotional crisis, life crisis, Personality disorder, psychosomatic disorders, school difficulties, speech disorders
Postać przedstawiająca magister Joannę Niedzielską
ADHD diagnostician, ADOS-2 diagnostician, Psychologist, Psychotherapist
Approach: systemic
Treatment: ACoA - adult children of alcoholics, addiction, ADHD in adults, ADHD in children, ADOS-2, anxiety disorders, depression, DIVA-5, emotional disorders, neurosis, psychosis, schizophrenia
ADHD diagnostician, ADOS-2 diagnostician, Psychologist, Psychotherapist
Approach: cognitive-behavioral
Treatment: ADHD in adults, ADHD in children, anxiety disorders, autism spectrum in adults, autism spectrum in children, educational problems, mood disorders, stress

Price list

Adult diagnosis

PACKAGE: ADOS-2 autism diagnosis in adults
performs mgr Agnieszka Koj, mgr Marta Kozaryn, mgr Joanna Niedzielska, mgr Agnieszka Szyszkowska;
Note: Initial consultation with a psychiatrist required, who will decide whether a diagnosis is necessary. The package includes 2/3 meetings with a special educator who carries out the ADOS-2 diagnosis and a consultation with a psychiatrist to discuss the results and provide a diagnosis. In the case of a child’s diagnosis – the parents themselves come to the first appointment. It is advisable to make all appointments at once – each appointment is marked in the system in an easily distinguishable way

1500 PLN

Diagnosis of children and adolescents

PACKAGE: ADOS-2 autism diagnosis in children and adolescents
performs mgr Agnieszka Koj, mgr Marta Kozaryn, mgr Joanna Niedzielska, mgr Agnieszka Szyszkowska;
Note: Initial consultation with a child psychiatrist required, who will decide whether a diagnosis is necessary. The package includes 2/3 appointments with a special educator who carries out the ADOS-2 diagnosis and a consultation with a psychiatrist to discuss the results and provide a diagnosis. It is advisable to make all appointments at once – each appointment is marked in the system in an easily distinguishable way

1500 PLN

Complementary test for ADOS diagnostics – Stanford Binet-5 test (1.5h)
only for patients undergoing ADHD/ADOS diagnosis at our Medical Center, appointments made only at the request of the diagnostician
mgr Joanna Niedzielska, mgr Marta Kozaryn, mgr Agnieszka Szyszkowska;

300 PLN

Psychotherapy of children and adolescents after ADOS diagnosis
mgr Joanna Niedzielska, mgr Oliwia Polok

200 PLN

PACKAGE: Diagnosis of ADHD and autism spectrum disorder in children and adolescents
mgr Marta Kozaryn, mgr Joanna Niedzielska, mgr Agnieszka Szyszkowska
NOTE! The package consists of five meetings (four with a psychologist, one with a psychiatrist). Meetings with the psychologist-diagnostician: First – interview with parents, second – ADOS-2 examination, third – Conners examination, fourth – follow-up visit. The package concludes with a summary visit with a child psychiatrist. It is advisable to make all appointments at once – each appointment is marked in the system in an easily distinguishable way

2500 PLN