mgr Barbara Bednarczuk | Dietician and Psychodietician

Sienkiewicza 28B/1

Specialization in treatment: anorexia bulimia celiac disease diabetes eating disorders gastroesophageal reflux hypertension insulin resistance menu obesity overweight PCOS underweight
The doctor provides treatment in the following languages: Polish PL
Dostępne formy wizyt: stationary stajonarnie
Postać przedstawiająca magister Barbarę Bednarczuk


Specialisation: Master’s degree in psychology and, as of November, cognitive behavioural psychotherapist under certification, licensed dietitian.

Experience: She gained her previous professional experience during her internship in a hospital, managing patients in EU projects and during psychodietetic workshops with children and adolescents. She has also worked with private clinics in Wrocław, managing patients with obesity, among others.


Cure: Helps to build a healthy relationship with food and with the body. Together with the patient, she walks through the process of changing eating habits, breaking out of the vicious circle of weight loss and maintaining long-term health. She has a special focus on patients with obesity, combining knowledge from two disciplines – dietetics and psychology – in therapy. She understands how challenging the weight loss process can be and provides the necessary tools and support to make the journey towards a healthy body and mind a success. In the practice, she focuses on listening to the patient’s needs and individual case analysis, including the selection of appropriate techniques to change eating habits (using cognitive behavioural therapy techniques, among others).He treats patients with disease entities such as. obesity, hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, hypercholesterolaemia, reflux, PCOS, diabetes, hypertension. It helps those eating in response to emotions and abnormal eating habits.

Training and scientific works

Training and academic work: Professional and personal development is integral to the process of working with patients. She regularly attends conferences and training courses.

Other: When working with a patient, it is very important for her to introduce an atmosphere based on mutual trust and respect and to choose the right methods to change habits.