lek. Daniel Dominik | ADHD and Psychiatrist

Podwale 83/21

Specialization in treatment: ADHD in adults anxiety disorders bipolar disorder depression emotional disorders insomnia neurosis stress
The doctor provides treatment in the following languages: Polish PL
Dostępne formy wizyt: stationary stajonarnie


Specialisation: Specialist in psychiatry.

Experience: Graduate of the Medical University of Piastów Śląskich in Wrocław, psychiatrist undergoing specialisation training at the Lower Silesian Centre for Mental Health in Wrocław.


Treatment: Admits adults for psychiatric consultations. Provides care for people with ADHD.

Training and scientific works

Training and academic work: In addition to his clinical experience working with patients, he places an emphasis on continuously improving his professional qualifications, including by attending conferences and training courses.

Other: In the therapeutic contact, the main focus is on the issue of the best possible mutual understanding, an atmosphere of honesty and openness, and such a choice of therapy that it is both effective and well tolerated.