lek. Andrzej Banach | Gynecologist, obstetrician
The doctor provides treatment in the following languages: English Polish Russian

Dostępne formy wizyt: stationary

Specialisation: Specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics.
Experience: Graduated in 1986, receiving his medical degree and diploma. He obtained the title of first degree specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology in 1991, and obtained the second degree of specialisation in this field in 1995.
Treatment: is an experienced gynaecologist-obstetrician specialising in gynaecological endocrinology, diagnosis and treatment of causes of infertility, including PCO, obesity and diabetes, among others. He is also a certified naprotechnologist – a specialist in the natural treatment of infertility. He promotes a holistic approach to patients and the detection and treatment of multiple disorders at the root of the problem. He offers a wide range of diagnostics for gynaecological and endocrine diseases as the main cause of infertility.
Main area of interest: He frequently speaks on topics related to natural fertility, i.e. naprotechnology, which is the main focus of his interest and research.
Training and scientific works
Training and scientific work: Offers patients the highest standards of treatment through regular participation in numerous symposia and national and international congresses on the diagnosis and treatment of infertility, as well as obesity, diabetes and gynaecological endocrinology.
Other: Certified as an American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)-certified Natural Family Planning Medical Consultant by Creighton University in Omaha, USA.