mgr Agata Derda | Psychologist and Psychotherapist

Biskupia 6B

Specialization in treatment: anxiety disorders depression emotional crisis emotional disorders insomnia low self-esteem neurosis stress
The doctor provides treatment in the following languages: Polish PL
Dostępne formy wizyt: stationary stajonarnie


Approach: Cognitive-behavioural.

Specialisation: Psychologist undergoing a certified course in cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy.

Experience: Graduated in Psychology with Honours and Practical Psychological Diagnosis at SWPS University in Wrocław. She is in the course of a certified course of Cognitive-Behavioural psychotherapy at the Academy Interego in Warsaw. She gained her professional experience in many institutions such as the Psychiatric Hospital in Warta, the Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment Centre in Ścinawa, the St. Celestine Association in Mikoszów. Now she is professionally connected with the Non-public Special School “Colourful Academy”.


Treatment: She uses cognitive-behavioural techniques in his work, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by numerous scientific studies.

Training and scientific works

Training and research papers: I regularly attend training courses to develop my knowledge.

Other: A genuine relationship with the client, based on mutual trust and respect, is very important to her.