lek. Paulina Gołembiewska-Bobińska | Gynecologist, obstetrician

Żmigrodzka 83/501

Postać przedstawiająca lekarza Paulinę Gołembiewską-Bobińską


Speciality: Specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology.

Experience: Graduate of the Medical University of Piastów Śląskich in Wrocław. She completed her specialisation at the A. Falkiewicz Specialist Hospital in Wrocław.


Treatment: Provides diagnosis and treatment of gynaecological conditions, contraceptive counselling, and care for pregnant women.

Training and scientific works

Membership: She is a member of the Polish Society of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians.

Other: Certified in Ultrasound Skills in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.