lek. Kamila Kozak | Doctor treating overweight and obesity
The doctor provides treatment in the following languages: Polish

Dostępne formy wizyt: stationary

Specialisation: Family medicine specialist. Certified physician for the treatment of overweight and obesity.
Experience: Graduate of the Medical University of Piastów Śląskich in Wrocław. She also completed postgraduate studies in psychodietetics at the Higher School of Social Psychology in Wrocław. Certified overweight and obesity treatment practitioner of the Polish Society for the Study of Obesity and the Polish Society for the Treatment of Obesity.
Treatment: The clinic treats overweight and obesity in children and adults, treats diet-related diseases (such as diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia), and provides nutrition education. The first visit includes a detailed history, medical examination and body composition analysis. Short- and long-term goals are identified and treatment plans created.
Training and scientific works
Membership: Member of the Polish Society of Family Medicine, the Polish Society for the Treatment of Obesity and the Polish Society for Lifestyle Medicine.
Other: Her interest in the broad topic of psychodietetics and her medical training enables her to take a holistic approach to the patient and assist with lifestyle changes as well as the implementation of pharmacological treatment.