lek. Joanna Andrzejewska | Psychiatrist

Podwale 83/4

Specialization in treatment: anxiety disorders bipolar disorder depression emotional disorders insomnia mood disorders neurosis Personality disorder stress tokophobia
The doctor provides treatment in the following languages: Polish PL
Dostępne formy wizyt: online stationary online stajonarnie
Postać przedstawiająca lekarza Joannę Andrzejewską


Specialization: Specialist in psychiatry.

Experience: Graduated from the Medical Academy in Wroclaw at the Faculty of Medicine in 1997 and has since gained professional experience through her work in a Wroclaw psychiatric hospital, a social welfare home, mental health clinics and a private practice. She is currently employed only at Ginemedica, where she admits adults.


Treatment: Accepts adults for psychiatric consultations.

Training and scientific works

Training and scientific work: In 2005 she completed a 5-year holistic course in systemic psychotherapy at the Family Therapy Institute in Krakow. On an ongoing basis, she expands her knowledge of psychiatry by taking part in numerous scientific trainings.