lek. Ewa Tylko | ADHD, Child psychiatrist, and Psychiatrist

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Specialisation: Specialist in adult psychiatry and specialist in child and adolescent psychiatry. Certified therapist of the Simonton Programme (a cognitive behavioural psychotherapy programme for cancer patients and their relatives).

Experience: She gained her professional experience working, among others, in the Specialised Complex of Psychiatric Health Care in Wrocław, in general psychiatric wards, neurosis treatment ward, addiction treatment ward. She has also worked at the Neuromed Neuropsychiatry Centre, the day unit for children and adolescents and the Autism Clinic, as well as at UK psychiatric hospitals: Priory in Chelmsford and Capio Nightingale in London.


Treatment: She uses elements of cognitive behavioural therapy in his work.

Training and scientific works

Training and research papers: She trains therapists, psychologists and doctors in psycho-oncology. She is co-author of the guidebook for oncology patients, “Crossing the cancer switch”.

Other: I take an individual approach to patients. Above all, I value the contact with the patient.

Dr Ewa Only is an extremely insightful and well-trained psychiatrist. She also consults in English and Spanish.