lek. Anna Jankowska | Psychiatrist

Krawiecka 1/2

Specialization in treatment: adaptation disorders anxiety disorders bipolar disorder depression emotional disorders insomnia neurosis PTSD stress
The doctor provides treatment in the following languages: German Polish DE PL
Dostępne formy wizyt: online stationary online stajonarnie


Specialisation: Specialist in psychiatry.

Experience: Graduated from the Medical Academy in Wrocław, Faculty of Medicine. She gained her professional experience for many years at the Provincial Psychiatric Hospital in Lubiaz, most recently as head of the Orchard Psychiatry Department. In recent years she worked at a psychiatric hospital in Germany.


Treatment: Accepts adults for psychiatric consultations.

Training and scientific works

Training and academic work: She has participated in numerous training courses, both nationally and internationally.

Membership: She was a member of the Lacanian Psychoanalysis Society.

Other: Able to listen perfectly to his patients’ problems.