dr n. med. Zbigniew Obuszko | Surgeon and Surgeon-oncologist
The doctor provides treatment in the following languages: English Polish

Dostępne formy wizyt: stationary

Specialisation: General surgeon. Specialist in oncological surgery.
Experience: Obtained his medical degree in 1987 at the Medical University of Wrocław. From 1989 to 1991 he was a junior assistant in the Department of Oncological Surgery at the Lower Silesian Centre for Oncology in Wrocław, where he obtained a first degree specialisation in general surgery. In 1993 he was awarded the Prince of Wales Scholarship and from 1993 to 1994 he worked as an assistant in the Breast Cancer Unit at Nottingham City Hospital. In later years he was also an assistant there in the departments of general surgery, thoracic surgery and cardiac surgery. After returning to Poland from 1997 to 2005, he again worked at the Department of Oncological Surgery at the DCO in Wrocław, where he obtained his specialisation in oncological surgery and defended his doctoral thesis. During another trip to the UK, he became head of the department of breast diseases at Carlisle Hospital there. At present, he is a senior assistant in the Department of Oncological Surgery at the Provincial Specialist Hospital in Wrocław.
Treatment: Specialises in thyroid biopsies and thick-needle and mammotomy breast biopsies. Performs surgical procedures such as removal of breast lumps, skin and subcutaneous lesions. He performs a full range of surgeries in the field of oncological surgery at WSS.
Training and scientific works
Training and academic work: In 1994 he worked in the East Midlands mammography screening quality control department in the UK. He wrote his PhD thesis on mammotomic biopsy and was awarded his MD in 2005. He received training in sentinel node diagnosis in Hanover and London in 2003 and 2007 and completed a breast plastic and reconstructive surgery course in London in 2009.