Mon. – Fri.
8:00 – 21:00
8:00 – 14:00

An endocrinologist is a doctor who deals with the endocrine glands – both diseases caused by disorders in the functioning of these glands and the hormones they produce. These glands include the thyroid, parathyroid glands, ovaries, testes, hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal glands and pancreas.
Our Medical Centre has endocrinologists who consult their patients with regard to both laboratory results and ultrasound images of the thyroid gland. Regular follow-up with an endocrinologist is extremely important for conditions such as hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s disease, insulin resistance, infertility or menstrual disorders.
- endocrinology consultation
- Thyroid ultrasound
- thyroid biopsy

Pediatric endocrinologist, Pediatrician


Pediatric diabetologist, Pediatric endocrinologist

Pediatric diabetologist, Pediatric endocrinologist

Doctor treating overweight and obesity, Endocrinologist






Price list
Endocrinology services
Endocrinology consultation without ultrasound
attention: at dr n. med. Alicja Filus: For your first appointment, please bring the following up-to-date (maximum 2 weeks old) tests: TSH, FT3, FT4, anti-TPO, anti-TG
from 1.04.2025 cost 300 PLN
260 PLN
Endocrinology consultation with ultrasound
attention: at dr n. med. Alicja Filus: For your first appointment, please bring the following up-to-date (maximum 2 weeks old) tests: TSH, FT3, FT4, anti-TPO, anti-TG
from 1.04.2025 cost 350 PLN
320 PLN
Endocrinology consultation – online
260 PLN
Endocrinology consultation
prof. Andrzej Milewicz
320 PLN
Endocrinology consultation – online
prof. Andrzej Milewicz; only continuation of treatment
250 PLN
Endocrinology consultation with thyroid biopsy
550 PLN
Endocrinology consultation of children without ultrasound
lek. Tatiana Gładysz, lek. Jadwiga August-Skarżyńska, lek. Karolina Galant
280 PLN
Pediatric endocrinology consultation with ultrasound
lek. Tatiana Gładysz, lek. Karolina Galant
300 PLN
Pediatric endocrinology consultation with ultrasound
lek. Jadwiga August-Skarżyńska
320 PLN
Examinations and appointments performed on Sunday
surcharge 100 PLN