Mon. – Fri.
8:00 – 21:00
8:00 – 14:00

Numbness in the arms and legs, disturbances in sensation, memory and speech are indications to consult a neurologist. He or she will carry out a detailed examination and diagnosis, refer for more thorough investigations such as CT scans or MRI scans and implement treatment to alleviate the symptoms. Neurology is a related field to psychiatry, so neurological diagnosis is an important part of a patient’s treatment by a psychiatrist.


Pediatric neurologist



Pediatric neurologist

Pediatric neurologist

Pediatric neurologist

Price list
Neurology services
Neurological consultation
250 PLN
Neurological consultation with arterial ultrasound
300 PLN
Neurological consultation of the child
from 1.04.2025 cost 300 PLN
250 PLN
Qualification for EEG Biofeedback therapy with medical certificate
lek. Urszula Chrostek
220 PLN
Visits and examinations performed on Sundays
surcharge 100 PLN
What does a visit to a neurologist look like?
The basis of a visit to any specialist is a thorough and detailed history. It is the patient who notices the first worrying symptoms that prompt him or her to seek specialist advice. Another important element of the visit is the physical examination. The neurologist will check the symmetry of sensation and reflexes, muscle strength and balance.