lek. Joanna Balcerzak | Psychiatrist

Krawiecka 1/2

Specialization in treatment: anxiety disorders bipolar disorder depression emotional disorders insomnia mood disorders neurosis stress stupor tokophobia
The doctor provides treatment in the following languages: Polish PL
Dostępne formy wizyt: online stationary online stajonarnie


Specialisation: Specialist in psychiatry.

Experience: Graduate of the Medical Academy in Wrocław. She gained her professional experience working in day and 24-hour wards at the Lower Silesian Centre for Mental Health in Wrocław. She is currently working with the Mental Health Clinics in Wroclaw and Świebodzice.


Treatment: Specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders in adults: anxiety disorders, affective disorders, psychotic disorders, personality disorders and dementias.

Training and scientific works

Training and academic work: She is constantly expanding her professional knowledge by attending conferences and academic training. She has completed an intensive course in crisis intervention.