lek. Anna Szwabowicz | Gynecologist, obstetrician and Pediatric gynecologist
The doctor provides treatment in the following languages: English Polish

Dostępne formy wizyt: stationary

Specialization: Specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics.
Experience: She worked for many years in the 1st Clinic of Gynaecology and Obstetrics at Chałubińskiego Street in Wrocław.
Treatment: Deals with issues related to gynaecological endocrinology (menstrual disorders, acne, excessive hair loss, polycystic ovary syndrome), contraception, infections within the reproductive organs, cervical and endometrial diagnosis (cytology, biopsy), treatment and cosmetic removal of external genital lesions, as well as gynaecological conditions of children and young girls.
Training and scientific works
Training and academic work: She is in the process of two years of training in aesthetic and antiaging medicine. She actively participates in conferences and courses on aesthetic gynaecology. In addition, she has conducted and is conducting clinical research on modern therapies in gynaecological endocrinology and gynaecology for girls.
Other: Visits are also conducted in English.