lek. Nataliia Solokha |

Podwale 83/4

Specialization in treatment: diabetes Graves' disease hormonal disorders hyperthyroidism Hypothyroidism insulin resistance thyroid diseases Thyroid ultrasound
The doctor provides treatment in the following languages: Polish Russian Ukrainian PL RU UA
Dostępne formy wizyt: online stationary online stajonarnie
Postać przedstawiająca lekarza Nataliię Solokhę


Specialisation: Title of endocrinologist recognised in Ukraine.

Experience: She obtained his doctorate from the Kiev Academy of Medical Postgraduate Education in 2004 and has many years of experience as an endocrinologist (20 years) in Ukraine. In Poland, she accepts patients as a medical doctor.


Treatment: In Ukraine, she has helped patients with thyroid diseases (Hashimoto’s disease, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, nodular goitre), diabetes, insulin resistance, menstrual disorders, parathyroid diseases, adrenal diseases, pituitary diseases.

Training and scientific works

Training and academic work: I constantly update my knowledge by attending courses and conferences.