lek. Joanna Banyś-Kotomska | Gynecologist, obstetrician

Żmigrodzka 85/501

Specialization in treatment: carrying out pregnancy cervical diseases contraception HPV infection intimate infection LBC cytology ovulation monitoring
The doctor provides treatment in the following languages: Polish PL
Dostępne formy wizyt: stationary stajonarnie
Postać przedstawiająca lekarza Joannę Banyś-Kotomską


Specialization: In the process of specialization in gynecology and obstetrics.

Experience: In 2017 she graduated Faculty of Medicine of the Medical University of Warsaw Silesian Piasts in Wrocław. From 2019 undergoes specialization training at the University Center of Obstetrics and Gynecology, USK ul. Borowska in Wrocław, where she also conducts classes with students.

She completed numerous internships at various Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinics in Germany.

  • 09/2020 – internship at Klinik fuer Gynaekologie und Geburtshilfe, Klinikum SANA Pinneberg
  • 07/2019 – internship at Klinik fuer Gynaekologie und Geburtshilfe, ASKLEPIOS Hamburg
  • 07/09/2016 – internship at Klinik fuer Gynaekologie und Geburtshilfe, Klinikum SANA Pinneberg
  • 06-08.2015 – internship at Klinik fuer Gynaekologie und Geburtshilfe, Marienkrankenhaus Hamburg


Treatment: Provides gynecological consultations, conducts pregnancies, monitors ovulation and advises on contraception.

When caring for patients, she attaches great importance to a stress-free atmosphere and a reliable and understandable explanation of the individual stages of the examination and the planned treatment. She looks at the patient holistically, supporting her in preventive health care and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Training and scientific works

Training and scientific work: She tries to constantly improve her professional qualifications by participating in training and scientific conferences.


  • Banys-Kotomska J, Banys-Paluchowski M, Korzeniewski J, Pomorski M. Physical activity and pelvic floor muscle training during pregnancy: review of international recommendations. Ginekol Pol. 2023 May 10. doi: 10.5603/GP.a2023.0045. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37162138.
  • Male papillary breast cancer treated by wide resection and latissimus dorsi flap reconstruction: A case report and review of the literature, M. Banys-Paluchowski et al. World Journal of Clinical Oncology, ISSN 2218-4333
  • Physical activity in Physiological Pregnancy J.M. BANYS et al. Pielegniarstwo i Zdrowie Publiczne, Wroclaw Medical University 2016 ISSN 2082-9876

Membership: Member of the Polish Gynecological Society.