lek. Dominika Bąk | Psychiatrist
The doctor provides treatment in the following languages: English Polish Spanish

Dostępne formy wizyt: stationary

Specialisation: Undergoing specialisation in psychiatry.
Experience: Graduated in Medicine from the Medical University of Piastów Śląskich in Wrocław and in Spanish Philology from the Wrocław School of Banking. She did part of her studies at the University of Barcelona and the University of Malaga, which greatly broadened her horizons and allowed her to gain experience working in a diverse environment and gain knowledge of different approaches to patients and the treatment process. She did her postgraduate internship at the T. Marciniak Specialist Hospital of Lower Silesia in Wrocław. She is currently working at the Provincial Psychiatric Hospital in Złotoryja.Her previous professional experience has been gained working in a general psychiatric inpatient ward, day ward, detoxification ward and addiction treatment unit. She performs independent duty and consults patients in the hospital emergency room. She also sees patients in the Mental Health Outpatient Clinic.
Treatment: Accepts adults. She values mutual respect and trust when working with the Patient. He shows great empathy and patience and believes that a good cooperation between the Patient and the doctor is crucial in the healing process.
Training and scientific works
Training and research papers: She continuously expands and updates her knowledge by attending numerous courses and conferences and by reading literature and current scientific publications. She is planning to start postgraduate studies in crisis and crisis intervention in the near future.
Other: She also works as a Primary Care physician, which helps her to keep her knowledge of somatic diseases up to date and maintain a holistic approach to her patients.