dr n. med. Marek Rząca | Surgeon and Surgeon-oncologist

Żmigrodzka 83/501

Specialization in treatment: breast cancer cancers core needle biopsy of the breast fine needle breast biopsy gastrointestinal cancers salivary gland biopsy thyroid biopsy
The doctor provides treatment in the following languages: English Polish GB PL
Dostępne formy wizyt: stationary stajonarnie


Specialisation: Surgeon, specialist in oncological surgery.

Experience: Outstanding oncologist with over 30 years of experience, doctor of medical sciences. Worked for many years at the Lower Silesian Oncology Centre and currently at the Cancer Diagnostic Department of the Provincial Specialist Hospital in Wrocław. Head of the Breast Rapid Diagnostics Centre in the Wrocław City Council programme. One of the most experienced oncological surgeons in Wrocław.


Treatment: Provides diagnosis and treatment of breast and gastrointestinal cancers. Performs ultrasound-guided breast biopsies coarse needle biopsies as well as mammotomies. He is qualified to perform endoscopic examinations and procedures.

Training and scientific works

Main area of interest: His interests focus on the diagnosis and treatment of cancers of the breast gland and ovary. He has been involved in the cryosurgical treatment of skin, mucosal and breast gland cancers for many years.

Other: It holds the patent “Dielectric probe for the detection of cancerous lesions in the mammary gland”.